
Personal wavelength testing with a neutral pendulum

This is what vibrational testing looks like when you use a neutral pendulum. I use my conscious awareness to focus on my energy field while maintaining an empty mind state. The pendulum’s rotation in a clockwise fashion indicates a healthy condition.

There are numerous applications to this method of testing, such as evaluating the condition of your organ and tissue systems, determining if a food or supplement is supportive or detrimental to you, even determining if a book or music are supportive or detrimental.

In my practice, I use this testing with a witness of the client to determine if certain remedies, such as plants, flower essences, crystals, medicines, or supplements are beneficial or not, and what the optimal dose and duration of treatment are.

This certainly goes outside of conventional medicine, and that is the point. This tool allows me to build on the knowledge and experience I already have to treat illnesses and fine tune a treatment plan that is unique to each client.

Energy is not constant, and we are always changing. Therefore it is always important to repeat testing at specific intervals.

This is an easy method that most can learn to do on their own. DM me if you are interested. I am gathering a small group to do a live class.