We spend much of our waking lives looking outside ourselves for answers. Actually, we already have all the answers within us. It is just a matter of remembering who we are. Re-membering to put back the forgotten parts of ourselves. We have lived countless lives but when we enter this earth plane most of us forget everything that came before. This is part of the evolutionary journey of the soul, not a curse. The joy of remembering, of rediscovering, is part of the joy of this lifetime.
For those of us who have forgotten, and that is most of us, we have countless opportunities in this lifetime to realise that there is actually much more to us than we are currently aware of. At first we look outside ourselves for these revelations. We learn about what others have discovered on their journey of remembering. For us, these are reflections of a process that is already happening within us, only we do not recognise it as happening within us until we do. And that is a moment of pure joy.
There are so many people and tools available to us now to help us in this process of remembering. So many possibilities that we have to be careful not to get lost in an endless search outside of ourselves. I am currently reading Jennifer Posada's book 'The Oracle Within' and it has been such a perfectly timed gift. It has reminded me that everything is within. I already knew this, but every little reminder from the universe is such a precious gift. Sometimes we feel lost or we give in to doubt. Then something small but wonderful happens to lift our gaze and help us remember.
I am here, I have always been here, never separate from you. The purpose of the game of forgetting is to experience the joy of remembering. Remembering is coming home. How exciting is the thrill of experiencing everything as if it were outside of me! How joyful and abundant is creation! Expansion followed by contraction, from the centre to the periphery and back to the centre. The pulse, the breath, the rhythm of life.